
Affordable Website Plan for Small Businesses and Professionals

Get a beautiful responsive website for a modest set up fee and a small monthly fee for hosting and basic maintenance

How Does it Work?

If you are in the market for an informational website, the Affordable Website Plan enables you to have a professional website at a low cost!

We will provide the hosting and, if you don’t have one already, the domain name. We take care of all your website needs so you can concentrate on business.

Your new website will also be responsive. A responsive website is one that will adapt to mobile devices, which is important since mobile devices are used more than 50% of the time to search for goods and services on the web.

You must host with us to qualify for the Affordable Website Plan.

How Much Does the Affordable Website Plan Cost?

Summary of Expenses

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Basic Set-up fee: $175
  • Hosting fee: As low as $12.50 per month (see the Hosting options below)
  • Yearly domain name registration: $15 (unless you register your own domain name)

The Basic Set-Up Fee

The basic set-up fee is $175. The basic set-up fee is basically creating your website. We will need to talk to you about your business and you can add any content and photos you want. If you have photos for a gallery, the basic set-up fee includes one free gallery up to 16 images. There are no upfront fees for setting up the website; you pay when the website is completed!

Most of the websites we create do not cost more than the basic set-up fee. However, if you want something beyond the basic set-up fee—such as an eCommerce site, stock photos, a blog, a portfolio, etc.—then an additional fee will be added to the basic set-up fee. Any out of pocket costs will have to be paid before the website is published. If there is any cost beyond the basic set-up fee, we will let you know in advance so you can decide whether or not you want to proceed.


Once your website is ready to be publish to let the world know about your business, your files need to be uploaded to a powerful computer called a web server. Storing your website files on a web server is call hosting. Hosting only costs a few dollars a month. The monthly cost depends on what payment option you choose. Here are your options:

  • Monthly Hosting: $20
  • Quarterly Hosting: $54
  • Yearly Hosting: $150

Most businesses pay a yearly hosting fee because the yearly hosting fee calculates to only $12.50 per month and they are not bothered with a monthly bill.

Domain Name Registration

In order for people to find your website, you will need a domain name. A domain name is basically the address for your website. For example, the domain name for this website is elanwebdesign.com. You can either register your own domain name or have us do it.

Domain names need to be registered with a domain name registrar. If you don’t already have a domain name and want us to register one for you, we charge only $15 for most top level domains (some TLDs cost more). Domain names need to be renewed once a year.

Basic Maintenance is Free

We offer free basic maintenance to our hosting customers. Basic maintenance includes edits to your content (for example, editing a paragraph or adding a new one). We build our websites on a WordPress platform so we will keep the themes and plugins updated.

Any changes to your website that require programming or more than 1/2 hour of work per month may result in a small fee.

Discount for Work Beyond Basic Maintenance

If you need some work done on your website that goes beyond basic maintenance, our hosting customers get a 50% discount off our regular hourly rate.

Free Email Accounts and Forwarding

If you want, we will create up to 5 free email accounts using your domain name. For example, if your email address is mycompany@gmail.com, we can create an account using your domain name: joe@mycompany.com. Much more professional! You don’t have to give up your Gmail or Yahoo account. We can have your new email address forwarded to your current email account. Or, if you use Gmail, we can help you to set up Gmail to send and receive emails using your domain name.

Terms of Service

To qualify for the Affordable Website Plan, the client must host with Elan Web Design for at least one year. Our Affordable Website Plan provides up to eight web pages. Additional pages may likely increase the set-up fee.

The client can cancel his or her plan at any time and receive a refund for any unused months if hosting has been paid in advanced. In other words, if you pay for a year of hosting and you cancel your plan after 8 months, you will receive a refund for the 4 unused months of hosting. If the client cancels his Affordable Website Plan in less than a year, Elan Web Design will retain ownership of the files since the discount is based on hosting with us for at least one year. If you have hosted with us for more than one year and decide that you want to use another hosting company, we can transfer the files to you in a zip file. The transfer fee is $50.

Elan Web Design will create up to 5 email accounts at no charge for its hosting customers. Each additional email account will cost $5 (one-time set up). There is no monthly charge for email accounts.

Elan Web Design will provide basic maintenance at no charge to the client. Basic maintenance only includes the addition or editing of text or the addition of up to 4 photos a month. Any changes that the client wants that require time or additional coding may be subject to a service fee. For example, if a client wants to add an additional feedback form or another gallery, there will likely be a small charge. The client will be informed in advanced if there are any charges for additional work on the website.

If the client fails to pay his or her hosting fee on time (or any other fee that may be owed), there is a 10 day grace period after which the website will go offline. To get the website online again, the client must pay his or her hosting up-to-date (from when the last payment was due). If the payment is 30 or more days late, the client will have to pay a $25 service fee to get the files online again. If the client fails to pay his or her hosting fee for more than 45 days, the website will be cancelled. To get the website back online, the client would have to go through the set-up fee process again.

I want to help you and your business. If you succeed, I succeed because you will remain a customer. If your hosting is due and you are having difficulty in paying it, call me to discuss the situation. I will work with you. If you are going to be late on your payment, just let me know and you can avoid your website from going offline or paying any late fees.

Why You Need a Website

According to Steve Strauss, one of the country’s leading small business experts, a well-made professional-looking Web site is essential for any business. In an article in Entrepreneur magazine, Steve wrote, “If you have a business, you should have a website. Period. No question. Without a doubt. . . if you don’t have a website, you’re losing business to other companies that do.”